Thursday, March 11, 2010

What are they really up to?

So its clear they really can't take a joke, nor can they get made fun of without some kind of silly retaliation.

For example. We have seen a fued between Reactor and a user named SamusK. We don't know who this SamusK is but it seems to be a lit fuse with reactor. Something he knows about him sets him off and he has made it his life's work to see him go down. I have a great deal of pity on PAP because they have gone as far as defamation to out the user, SamusK.

They have a youtube page to where they conduct their defamation.

Grinn6666 aka Reactor903's Youtube Page

Apparently, Samusk actually had their website REMOVED about a few months ago. It was a great day on the internet to see how mortal they really are as opposed to how immortal they THINK they are.

Here is what he has done so far.....

Ok. so what has happened was PAP made use of .TK redirect domain names trying to make a website identical to MIBay.ORG's home page saying it was the number one source for child pornography. All of the buttons were designed to corrupt the browser and search for child pornography.

One thing we want to point out is that if you DO search "Child Pornography" on google, you will get mostly wikipedia and articles about it instead of the actual material.


We are sure there are many OTHER ways to find it, but frankly, we don't condone such behavior nor would we know anything of the like. Apparently, they do so let's leave them to their "work".

Until next time, loyal fans.

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