Sunday, April 18, 2010

YouTube follies once again!

Seems our main person of interest is using his hijacked youtube account to make fun of a company whom he perceives to be his love interest, SamusK.

According to the video, he is making fun of Pinstripe Studios, LLC because GlaphanKing is the admin of the page as well as the founder. We do know that he has tried to connect SamusK once before to GlaphanKing but his video was removed because it violated the guidelines. Awww, poor baby!

Now he is at it again with his new video. He even used google earth to "try" and pinpoint samusk's house.

He better watch it because if you accuse a company without viable proof, they can sue YOU for harassment.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Scramble the Jets! They're on to us!!!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Seems they read our blog more than we do. As soon as the previous entry was posted, as most as if by magic, they have removed their little malware.

however, we have seen another more idiotic piece of malware show up. Perhaps we should let them scramble again.

Let's just say we didn't know that employs eastern European websites to help generate revenue.

In case no one was following, 50webs is their current hoster. A shitty hoster if that being they personally do not care for privacy should you break the rules.

A quote was posted on the previous entry saying that there is nothing on the site. Lol! That is true considering they edited their kindergarten made website to remove the malware.

Did they not claim they had money for another 5 years? So what's the need for seedy ad revenue? Hmm. I guess like Fox News they bend the truth to give themselves an edge.

Well, that edge is slowly going away very fast.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Recently we surfed to their homepage and an interesting tried to pop up. Unfortunately, AdBlock beat it down like a 2 dollar hooker so nothing happened to our machines.

However, we strongly advise you not to go to their site for a while. Seems their ads come from a Warez site. Which is actually against their ToS on their host

We knew this would happen sooner or later. How low do you have to stoop before you commit a crime like this.