Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reactor903's Post Log from MIBay

This was posted on MIBay's forum. Its a log posted by the admin of Reactor903 posing as another user, but deleted his account when he knew he lost his debate. We are going to post it in its entirety as well as offer it for download.

So without further adieu, begin laughter. We are changing his name back to reactor903 as it should have been in the beginning.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:45 pm

so here I am! a member of PAP...what did u wanna talk about?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:33 pm


I dont understand why you like to look at little girls, and you have this delusion that someday that it will be excepted (fat chance). If you think this way why do u have threads in here that instruct you how to encrypt ur "collection"? If you think theres nothing wrong with what you do then dont encrypt.

Do any of you have actual children? Does ur family know?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:33 pm

Swarminell wrote:
Welcome to the forum Reactor903 and I hope we will be able to answer your concerns in a rational manner.
Reactor903 wrote:
I dont understand why you like to look at little girls
Do you need to understand? I don't understand why I like to look at little girls either, but I do, I always have and I always will. It's just the way I am. I accept it, so why can't you?

I don't understand lots of things. I don't understand why some people like to collect fire extinguishers, or race downhill on small planks, or wear crucifixes round their necks. But I don't condemn them for it either, and unless they are causing harm to others, I just try to accept them for what they are.

I don't understand why PAP seeks to sabotage a harmless pastime like looking at photographs of children. Who do you think you are protecting?
Charles-Seenes wrote:
If you think theres nothing wrong with what you do then dont encrypt.
It's not quite that simple is it. People hide their personal activities for various reasons, not because they are doing anything wrong. Do you have sex in public? There is also the problem of very nebulous (and downright silly) laws in some countries, against which encryption is merely a wise precaution.
Charles-Seenes wrote:
Do any of you have actual children? Does ur family know?
Read these boards and you will find the answers to these. They are many and various.

Hope this helps a little.

so let me get this straight you encrypt these "photos" cause its like having sex with them? so wanna hide that u like having sex with children? thats sick dude. the laws are not silly, they are there to protect them from people like you. it boggles my mind that you think collecting of odd things is the same as collecting and ooogling over little girls, unreal! im floored..

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:29 pm

JennLove has a valid point. sorry if it came out wrong but i am. im floored i dont know how any of this (Looking at kiddies in underwear) is in anyway shape or form exceptable behavior for a Adult!

The fact that you hide it on your computers should tell you something! please try to understand where I come from! Im not a Quaker or a conservative person by any stretch of the imagination, I love my porn more than the next guy, but this? no i could never EVER look at a 9-15 year old and girl and call them sexy or an object of my desires. It just does not compute! Error 404! Does not exist!

I suppose your kind and my kind will always be at odds, cause i will never understand, if ever found out that my "daughter" was being oogled by a bunch of men on a online forum or find as many as i could and chop their balls off. You honestly think i will ever change my mind about this garbage? Just so u know im REAAAAALLLY tryin to be civil here.

Thank you pokkop and TheWiseOne for keeping the peace at least in this thread.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:26 pm

But, you're not saying that girls under 16 are.... ugly?! So, if some of them are actually pretty, then why wouldn't people want to see them? There are all sorts and all ages of girls out there - online and offline - who are entertainers/ celebrities/ models, and pleasant enough at doing it, without belonging in the porn category -- regardless of whether anyone thinks that they may look 'sexy' or not; so, there's no reason to count these particular models as being any different.

Im not saying that at all, im saying they are innocent. And should be treated as such, what would you do if you daughter popped up on a seedy forum like this? Kids who model for magazines, commercials are not presented as sexual objects at all! The models you look at and fond over (come on i have read the comments on TPB) are modeled either against their will or because their family desperately needs money. And therefore the kids are photographed with the express propose of being sexualized, the fact that you compare the 2 is a joke.

People that enjoy looking at teen models pictures are not the same as molesters, often the fantasy developed in the mind of the admirer is nothing sexual in nature, its simply a response to the curves of the younger female form, it can be the excitment of being able to view something that society deems your not allowed to, this can be a thrill in itself for some. Some may find the younger female form arousing but there is a very big difference between looking and acting on your desires.

They are the same, your telling me that young girls dressed in nothing but underwear is not "sexual in nature" please, do you tell that to you therapist? i bet you dont.

The people who hide it do so for the same sort of reasons that they don't want the RIAA knowing what free music they've been downloading. It's considered less than 100% legal in some places!

your comparing music to child models? another laughable joke. You cant compare or justify this with anything its wrong whether your government is lenient on it or just doesn't have the police power I dont care ITS WRONG. Admit it you have a sick perversion, WiseOne you even went to a therapist to control ur urges! doesnt that speak volumes!?

So by saying someone says a girl is pretty is the same thing as calling them a pedophile then I hang my head in disappointment. I have a great deal of pity on those people who believe pedophiles and predators belong together. Its like saying murderers and civilians belong on the same block. Civilians may have the potential to be murderers but its a bad idea to mix the two.

again comparing something to justify what you do is laughable at best, a pedo is a predator I see no gray area.

SamusK wrote:
Oh, and using your first and last name as a username is very ignorant. I would have thought people like you would understand netiquette like that.

brings back memories doesn't it:)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:43 pm

I am and thats all u have to worry about:)

and you know exactly who i am..and im taking good notes.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:05 pm

honeydew wrote:
WHERE'S MY POST GONE??? I spent about an hour writing a long reply, and it's not HERE! (Probably a technical glitch, but damn annoying) As a woman, I think I must have my say, but I'm too tired to gather my thoughts together tonight. I'll try again tomorrow - and no, there won't be any politics or religion in it! :|

looks like more censorship at MI...

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:24 pm

jinii wrote:
Why do I look at little girls?
Because I can. I'm not blind!
It's my brain, and no one shall tell me what to think...

Trust me your sick, you too blinded be your lust for small children to see that..sad. moving on.

jinii wrote:
So why encrypt?
I am encrypting for the same reasons your parents (or grandparents) hided their porn magazines under their bed. For the same reasons young girls secure their diary. For the same reasons homosexuals hide themselves. Not because it's illegal and I can't control myself, but because of people like you, the clones from Dark Ages, are the ones who do not respect privacy and free speech in public (by stalking it), can't control themselves and may do something illegal or harm. This has nothing to do with the nature of the content itself, but because of your nature.

You make a good point..ill give you this. but it does throw up flags, and does look bad for you. jus sayin.

jinii wrote:
Besides that, tanpopo is right about the RIAA angle. You may have noticed by now, that there are forces opposite to "Pirates Against Pedos"; Pedos Against Pirates, and they are quite agressive. Wouldn't you encrypt your activities, if you were the targeted by someone with the slogan "Stalking the Pirates", hiring former FBI agents on drugs to do the dirty work?
What is your thoughts about that? You claim to be a pirate yourself, right?... but using same method 'hang'em in public'...
That's why your arguments in your agenda is basically flawed, that's why you will never become moderator at TPB, and that's why you are not even worthy the title Pirate. You have to earn that title...

Dont make me laugh pedos against pirates? lulz samusks little "anti" google group? hasn't been touched in several months.
PAP on the other hand is very active, on other projects and missions. your little discussion forum is a shell of its former self and we have PAP to thanks for that..TheWiseOne tells a little white lie and his minions fall for it hook line and sinker lol. who says i even use TBP? Do you know me or something? Im not Reactor. I was told to come here by him if thats what ur implying. Moving on.

jinii wrote:
I do not think most pedophiles today honestly believe pedohilia will become social accepted. At least not now, when humanity is infected with so much hate, stupidity and greed for control. But I do believe common sense is coming soon and compromises will be made. We do not really need any pedo-parade in Berlin, when all the hysteria is doing that work already. People will realize it, it will peak, and you contributed to that. Thanks!

Again fantasy land, and all that hate is justified, greed for control? over how our children are portrayed on the internet and abused by people like you, u should be ashamed. But you cant help it its like heroin to you. Socially accepted? ha!

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:14 pm

Your shit data is wrong Samusk:) im not Reactor, go suck on Brothers Lance's teet! lol now lets get back to tha task at hand shall we?

And what did u expect when u invited us here? to change our mind? "hey wanna come over and jack off to the 9 year old vids?"

You parade as nice gents but underneath all the sheep's clothing, all i see are predators..
Im glad, PAP has whipped this place into shape, thats why dont bother here anymore we have bigger fish to all the weird disappearances of ur model sites lately you really think it was for "money Issues"? lulz you guys will make up lies to protect your little fantasy land, and then it all comes crumbling down:) i love it. Yes we all now some of them were run by the same agency:) thats why so many of them disappeared:) They disappeared on PAP's command and waited for the threads of despair to appear here, "wheres this?" "wheres that?" whaaaaaaa absolutely beautiful:) think again if u think ur going to change us.\\\now shall we get back to this debate?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:05 pm

Keep samusk out of the thread and there wont be any need to curse.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:11 pm

See samusk im not so bad:)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:38 pm

i am still around i just dont have much time to devote to this site as you around.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:50 pm

haha care to explain?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:16 pm

nevertellyou wrote:
Hi Reactor

I happen to agree with you about about child models but don't agree with you about teenage models. i have some questions for you and you don't have to answer if you don't want too

do you agree that teens that do sexing should be charged for CP and be placed on the child predator list?

Do you protest about shops that sell lingerie to children and call for them to be closed down?
if yes please show evidence

If you live in the USA do you protest against your government and trying to get them make new about teen prostitute?
becuase teenage prostitutes are look at as scum by the USA court and they get thrown in jail even though there underage plus if a male or female is caught with an underage prostitutes they don't get charge for underage sex they just get a fine becuase there prostitutes.

Do you protest about fashion designer that use teenage girls 12 to 16 years old tell sell cloths to women 18 to 24?

Do you protest about music company sexualized teen girls?

i do have a lot more questions for you but would like to see your answers first
Yours Sincerely

Sexting: Yes i think they should be charged or at least scared the shit out of...its wrong.
lingerie shops: if stupid parents let them wear it then thats the parents job not mine.
Prostitutes: i dont understand ur question.
Clothing: Same answer as the lingerie
Music: thats a myth

You pretend to LOVE children, you dont think about their innocence that should not involve collecting and gawking at images of them! I feel sorry for all of you, I honestly and truly do. Please seek help for your "addiction". And stop making excuses seek help now! please. As for the "women" on here i dont buy it, if you are a "women" then consider ur self an unfit mother if u are one. any other questions?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:28 pm


Yes the site was shut down, and obviously the host thought so as well, you every ask yourself why its so hard to find a host to host this garbage? namely images mostly, anybody can set-up a boring forum, why do you think PAP has stopped the offensive against you? ur members are even complaining possibly leaving cause u dont have images. and even if you do post images, they get taken down by the image hosts, ever wonder why? geee no idea.

If u started posting pics of over 18 girls i would have no problem with that..but some shit (sorry for the language) i cant sit idly by and watch it go down..sorry if you think thats "simple minded" or "ignorant"

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:40 pm

Your forgetting the 2 most important things for PAP Identify and disrupt.

and as for imgrush, that site is a ghost site, no emails work for the reporting of images, even the host cant get a hold of them, i was told by the host that the site has been given a warning for not responding to a take down request. its only a matter of time.

Now that was great wasn't it? We will be posting the log for download complete with the other postings so its a little better to understand.

Bottomline, he tried to act like he was someone else thinking the staff at MIBay are dumb but it back fired in his face.

We will be back soon with the full log once it is pieced together by the staff at MIBay. We will also give a link to the forum so you can question the staff of its authenticity.

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