Friday, March 12, 2010

Real work or extreme Plagiarism?

So it seems ol' PAP is loving the fact that through Anonymity they can freely do their sick job. Every time something goes down or offline, you can bet they will be there to take the credit. Let's give some examples. - An image host. This host has gone offline due to copyright infringement. Now at first glance one would ask why would they take credit for getting it offline? Well, consider the fact that before it went down people were linking modeling pictures from it. Before that, they were under fire because of all the copyrighted images that did not include child modeling, nudity, etc. They refused to remove the images and then never responded to letters from the infringing companies. Leaseweb pleaded with them to remove all the copyrighted photos and again they refused to listen. They had no choice but to pull their contract and hosting.

So where did PAP fall into this? NOWHERE! In fact, we contacted LeaseWeb about the problem and they told us exactly what we tell you now. There were no anonymous emails or threatening emails to LeaseWeb. LeaseWeb acted on their own because the hoster refuse to cooperate.

Another thing we notice on their front page was a user named MasterBlaster903. This person frequently visited the Pirate Bay and commented on the idiocrisy of PAP and their antics. We caught up with him and asked why PAP is saying they banned him. He replied that they believe a tangent of the real reality and the fact was that he deleted his own account, which you can do btw, almost a day before he was supposedly banned. When you are banned or remove your account, the comments go with them. so its no surprise that PAP takes the credit once again for something they had nothing to do with.

Keep watching folks because we are going to reveal a script posted on MIBay, another CM supporter and hater of PAP. In this script it is revealed that reactor posed as a user and then acted like he wasn't reactor. Well, we spoke with some staff members and the IP logs confirm it was him. We are going to post the full log next time.

Until then, people. Keep the justice pure!

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